miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2016

"Thinking that we can live a thousand years is a conservative figure"

"Thinking that we can live a thousand years is a conservative figure"            20 OCT 2016

These have been the words of the British Aubrey de Grey a biogerontólogo that works in a technique of recovery of tissues that ensures that will enable us to live a thousand years.
His vision of aging:
the way it conceives the aging is different to the general idea that society has. According to Gray we can escape the aging using technologies such as gene and cell therapy, as well as vaccines and drugs, because for him the aging is a disease.
“Pensar que podemos vivir 1.000 años es una cifra conservadora” 
Link: http://elpais.com/elpais/2016/10/13/ciencia/1476353983_661713.html

biogerontólogo(Gerontología): es la ciencia que se dedica a estudiar los diversos aspectos de la vejez y el envejecimiento de una población, La gerontología aborda todas las dimensiones de la vejez, incluyendo los aspectos biológicos.

Comentario de texto:
“Envejecer es un proceso natural e inevitable, pero solo en ausencia de medicina”
“No le damos a la gente las suficientes habilidades para sacar lo máximo de estar vivos”
These have been the words of Aubrey in an interview. It seems to me truly incredible that we can reach so many years and I agree with him. Equal that centuries ago the prosperity of life of a person was until the 30 and now we are by the 80. Are some 50 years of more than thanks to the scientific areas we have a prosperity of life higher than before.

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