jueves, 1 de junio de 2017

NOTICIA DE LA SETMANA 10: "A giant planet with rings causes mysterious eclipses"

A giant gaseous planet, up to fifty times the mass of Jupiter, and surrounded by a ring of dust may be spinning around a star more than a thousand light years from Earth, according to new research by an international team of astronomers, Led by the British University of Warwick.

PDS 110 is a rare young star in the Orion constellation that has the same temperature as the Sun but is a bit larger. Hugh Osborn, a researcher at the Warwick Astrophysics Group, realized that his light is blocked regularly by a large object, probably an orbiting planet still undiscovered.

Using data from different observatories and instruments, astronomers analyzed fifteen years of PDS 110 activity. In this way, they discovered that every two and a half years, the light of this distant star is reduced to 30% from two to three weeks. Two notable eclipses were observed in November 2008 and January 2011.

Recreación artística del planeta gaseoso gigante que orbita la estrella PDS 110

Commentary: I think that can be extraterrestrial life in the planet who tour arround this star.

Glossary: I think that all the words in the notice are easy to understand.


NOTICIA DE LA SETMANA 9: "The Earth is on the verge of the sixth great extinction, but man can still avoid it"

"Human activities are bringing us closer to the sixth mass extinction in the history of planet Earth," said Forest Isbell, a researcher at the University of Minnesota and the first author of one of the articles published Wednesday.

Isbell has reviewed the most recent work that has studied man's benefits from species richness: for example, some have shown that reducing the biodiversity of forests lowers their wood production capacity.

 "The "technological anesthesia" makes us think that we can replace everything that nature gives us with technology, but the reality is that we can not replace everything," explained José Antonio González, professor of ecology at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid . But, as the articles published in Nature reflect, this idea is increasingly overcome: "Little by little, we are realizing that our model depends 100% on biodiversity."

Resultat d'imatges de La Tierra está al borde de la sexta gran extinción, pero el hombre aún puede evitarlo

Commentary: I think that we need to do more things for save the planet, things like recycle, don't throw things to the grown, etc.

Glossary: I think that all the words in the notice are easy to understand.

NOTICIA DE LA SETMANA 8: "NASA Launches a Mission for "Touch the Sun""

NASA announced in early April that in the summer of 2018 it will launch the first spacecraft capable of 'touching the Sun'. Or put another way, to come so close to him as to clear many of the unknowns that surround him. The mission will be renamed Parker Solar Probe.

 The Parker Solar Probe will be launched between July 31 and August 19, 2018 and, in the words of mission scientist Nicola Fox, "will answer questions about solar physics with which we have been facing each other for more than six decades."

The probe, designed and built at Johns Hopkins University's Applied Physics Laboratory, will conduct 24 "passes" over the Sun over a seven-year mission, to be counted from arrival to destination, to Beginning of November 2018. The Parker Solar Probe will also move at 724,000 km/h and will become the fastest ship ever built by man.

Resultat d'imatges de mision para tocar el sol


Commentary: I think that it will be difficult because the ship can to melt by the high temperatures.

martes, 23 de mayo de 2017

NEWS 10: 52,000 deaths a year from tobacco


  • 20% of Spanish people smoke habitually
  • 17% of smokers have tried to quit the habit more than four times.
  • The average consumption of cigarettes of this people is around 12 a day.

The medical society has presented the conclusions of a survey in which have participated 9,045 people from all over Spain. 

"The results of the survey show that a large majority are in favor of advancing the limitation of smoking," says César Minué, coordinator of Smoke-Free Week, who regrets that despite the anti-smoking laws were "a breakthrough" that "Put Spain in the lead at the international level," since 2011 there has been no progress, so "the improvements achieved have the risk of stagnating."

What methods are we trying to reduce the number of smokers? 

- Ban the act of smoking in the inside of the cars. 
- Use of  a generic packaging, which can be very useful combating smoking between the adolescent population.
- Increase the cost. 
- Remove the publicity of smoking. 


I have found this article interesting because it's true that nowadays, a big number of people have the habit of smoking, and it only bring problems for themselfs and in a cercain future it will worsen. Neverthless, we need to try to reduce it to improve our health. 


Survey: a formal or official examination of the particulars of something, madein order to ascertain condition, character, etc.


NEWS 9: The first generation of 'space' mice is born.

- Japanese scientists have raised in vitro specimens from sperm preserved for almost 300 days in space
- Research shows that reproduction of mammals from sexual cells conserved in the space is viable

Between August 2013 and May 2014, a team of Japanese researchers sent samples of mouse spermatozoa to the ISS for keaping it during 288 days. Once they were returned to the Earth, they were compared with others of the same type preserved in our planet over the same period with similar conditions.
Does it preserve the similar characteristic as the sperm preserved in the Earth? The results show that the reproduction of healthy mammals from spermatozoa preserved in space is perfectly viable.

What did it change? A slightly higher deterioration in the DNA of samples preserved in space.

An important observation?They have presented a balanced number of male and female specimens.



This type of researchers are such an interesting work because they find new characteristics and found new observatins that in the future will be important for us to get different information which will be essential for us.

lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017

New 10:The goat cyclops that has become a miracle for a village in India

The goat cyclops that has become a miracle for a village in India

The past 10 of May, the villagers of Assam, a town in northeast India, witnessed what was described as "a miracle". One of the goats in the area gave birth to a small goat very special: it only had one eye, such as the cyclopes, a creature from Greek mythology. This Kid already has nine days with life.The Kid also lacks the eyelashes, eyelids, one ear and several teeth. His jaw is too short and his nose is undeveloped. The scientific journal 'National Geographic', which has been given to know this strange case, explains that is due to a problem in the brain of the animal. The goat has separated the two hemispheres of the brain that causes it to have just one eye cavity.
The disease that suffers the goat cyclops can also suffer from the people. In addition, it affects other species such as horses, pigs, cows, cats and some types of sharks. However, it is a disorder that occurs on a regular basis. The cyclopia occurs in one out of every 16,000 births of animals.

(science and technology)

CYCLOPIA:The CYCLOPIA is a congenital malformation characterized by the presence of a single orbit facial or "pseudo-orbit", a product of the failed division of the orbital cavity in two orbits in the forebrain during the development phase of the embryo.

I think that this story is very different than the ones that I have been able to do before. As both the context and the arguments are based on the evolution of the species and in particular speaks of the technological science. I believe that both mutations such as genetic defects (birth) help the evolution of what we have discovered by now and is able to open the door to a world unknown or even better a better future

lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017

Noticía 9 : Travel back in time, a crazy idea, but impossible?

Travel back in time, a crazy idea, but impossible? 

This is the title of a news story that has impacted me a lot. What person we has not wanted to travel in the future or in the past? A crazy idea, half in the field of fantasy, half in the realm of science fiction. Travel back in time, would give us special abilities: to know the past and the future, to know how to bet on poker and perform feats. 
The first difficulty is the nature of the time, the sea in which navegariamos, so incomprehensible, such as water, escapes us before you can grab it.
 Einstein who joined at the same time as the fourth coordinate (dimension) of the geometry of space-time continuum where we live. Where light plays a fundamental role. In 1915 Einstein formulated the theory of relativity in which the speed of light is invariant in all systems of reference and which constitutes the upper limit imposed by the nature at all speeds (in particular, an object traveling at the speed of light, not having the time). In addition, Einstein found that light is made up by those who conduct themselves as pure: the photons. Surprisingly the light sometimes behaved like a wave and as a particle.The same Albert Einstein said that "the past and the future are not only an illusion, albeit very convincing"

On the other hand, the theory of black holes, initiated by Einstein, propalada By Stephen Hawkins, from his wheelchair, and studied by hundreds of astronomers around the world, shows us how certain black holes, forming worm holes in space, would allow the light to take shortest paths and arrive faster to the future

In a strict sense, often we travel back in time mentally: we are always planning for the future. This activity not only is crucial in our future, but has been crucial in our future as a species of animal. 

<-- Einstein 

Glossary: I understood everything and in the news is the only thing that could be unaware that would be the theory of relativity, even though he already knew that it was

This article does not refer to a specific science 

Comment: The news as well I find interesting because how to speak of something unknown and exciting, a question that all human beings we have thought and we have tried to explain a knowledge of the time (today). Time travel is something that every person has wanted to, you could handle everything you could redo actions of the past to change or the future or just to improve the future, either making money or finding happiness. Although I agree with the words of Einstein saying that everything is an almost perfect perception that is not reality

lunes, 1 de mayo de 2017

Noticia 8: A strip of purple light in the sky seeks scientific explanation

A new type of aurora borealis, located farther south than usual, has intrigued researchers

Recently, it has begun to know the observation of what some consider a new type of aurora. For years, fans of the observation of aurora borealis photograph a type of lights that are not exactly like the usual auroras. It is, as shown in a gallery where they recover images of the phenomenon, a kind of purple slope more or less sloping that appears in latitudes slightly further south than usual.

Eric Donovan, a professor of astronomy at the University of Calgary, collated the images with data from Swarm satellites of the European Space Agency, a constellation dedicated to analyzing the Earth's magnetic field. That allowed the Canadian researcher to know that at 300 kilometers altitude, the temperature was increasing to 3,000 degrees and there was a 25-kilometer-wide gas strip floating westward.

Miguel Herraiz says; "The auroras occur in the interaction between the solar wind and the upper atmosphere. The differences in this case may be due to a change in solar activity, but I think the explanation is more in the second part, in The interaction between the solar wind, the earth's magnetic field and the atmosphere, "he continues.

My opinion: This type of aurora borealis is such an interesting theme to study because it seems to me a good vision of the sky that we don't see everyday, so I had chosen this theme for this reason. 

domingo, 23 de abril de 2017

Notícia 8 Natalia Llabrés- A matter of logic

A matter of logic
"You Have a tape of a meter in length. If each day short two centimeters, on how many days is cut off all the tape?". This is one of the problems faced by the more than 3,500 students of primary and secondary of more than 528 schools in the Community of Madrid in the twenty-first century Spring Math Contest organized by the Complutense University. 
Joaquín Hernández is one of the organizers and said that "The most grateful is the face of satisfaction of the boys when they come. But the best is the pride felt by parents here when accompanying them, that is what pushes us to follow." 
The first to deal with the mathematical problems at 8.30 in the morning were the students of level 1 (5th and 6th grade) and Level 4 (high school). 
The concentration and silence were maximum in each of the tests, and her elbows on the table and thoughtful faces were a common feature in all participants. Now, everyone will have to wait to know the 150 best of this edition, which will be picked up from your long-awaited diploma of recognition as one of the best mathematicians in the region next Wednesday.
Olimpiada matemática ayer en la Universidad Complutense.
23 ABR 2017

Glosary: I have no word that makes it difficult for me to read this news

The truth is that this news it seems incredible to me that held a few tests where children apply their knowledge not so much to know math but by logic. I think it is good that the children to try their intelligences as a math test can go wrong all over the world for very small faults that are completely change the outcome, but in the logic apply your skills 100% and there are no faults

miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017

NOTICIA DE LA SETMANA 7: "A quadriplegic moves the arm with his thinking through an implant"

It's two sensors implanted in the brain that send signals to a computer, where it is forwarded the information to a system of electrical stimulation to move their limbs.

A man who was paralysed for eight years has managed, for the first time in history, move your arm with their thoughts, thanks to a neuroprosthesis installed in his head that sends the signals so that their arms are activated.

To achieve this, the team has implemented two sensors, each the size of an aspirin, laden with 96 electrodes designed to collect neural activity.

Sensors recorded brain signals generated when Kochevar has imagined moving his arm, and have transferred them to a computer.

Commentary: I think it will be great for a lot of people with this problem, i'm very happy because i know several people with this problem.

NOTICIA DE LA SETMANA 6: "The place of Mars where Europe will search for signs of life"

Recently the agency chose the two places on the red planet where possibly rest the rover of ExoMars 2020 exploration. This robot will punch up to two meters from the ground and study the habitability of the planet (the odds for life), doing a sophisticated analysis of organic molecules.

ESA has chosen for landing two places which in the past were very abundant in water: two ellipses of 120 by 19 km in the area of Oxia Planum and Mawrth Vallis. Both are interesting from the scientific point of view and in addition are smooth and lack elements that can hinder the landing, deployment and exit of the rover.

Both regions will be studied now with more detail and final landing place will be chosen in 2019. The launch of the rover scheduled for July of 2020.


Commentary: In my opinion, this is very interesting and a good advance to the humanity. It would be great if we found life on Mars

NOTICIA DE LA SETMANA 5: "The woman who develops cancer vaccine"

For years, this researcher has studied the response of patients to bone marrow transplant to treat his leukemia. "If you wonder why some were cured," explains, "you understand that it is a complex reaction involving all branches of the immune system, so probably a homogenous treatment, a kind of one-size-fits-all for all patients, will not work", said Wu in his office in the center of Cancer-Dana-Farber, Boston (USA).

Wu is applying that idea to the development of a vaccine against cancer or, better said, many vaccines against many cancers, as patients. The new generation of immunotherapy drugs are based on wake the immune system so that you learn how to identify and eliminate the tumor cells. Wu looks the way that this response is much more specific and also operates in all people, not just a fraction of them, as it is currently the case.

Commentary: In my opinión this is a big advantage to people who have cancer.
This is a very good new for the humanity.

News 7: Diets without gluten.

Gluten has gone from being a simple protein mesh that for years was associated only with the celiac condition, to be the front page and protagonist of many diets and current diet plans.

Most modern diet therapy has included gluten-free diets as an option to shuffle in specific cases such as irritable bowel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis or other immunological problems.

Gluten is one more protein, it is not essential and, therefore, you can follow a diet without gluten without problem. The biggest example is the healthy celiac diet. Gluten protein is of a rather moderate biological value, does not possess all the essential amino acids, and therefore does not have much nutritional interest if we compare it against egg, legume, meat or fish, reference protein sources.

It would be best to prioritize fresh produce (fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish ... instead of processed products labeled "gluten free"

Resultado de imagen de gluten


Commentary: In my opinion this type of notices are more common nowadays because the producers need to sold all the products that they do make. People are interested in this type of food and this is a circular chain that never finishes

domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017

Scientist Corner

Who is this?

(Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, 1642 - London, 1727) English scientist.
Founder of classical physics, which would maintain full force until the time of Einstein, Newton's work represents the culmination of the scientific revolution initiated a century earlier by Copernicus.

In his mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1687) he established the three fundamental laws of motion and deduced from them the fourth law or law of universal gravitation, which explained with complete accuracy the orbits of the planets, thus achieving the unification of terrestrial mechanics And heavenly.

A posthumous and premature son, his mother prepared for him a farmer's destiny; But finally he was convinced of the talent of the boy and sent to the University of Cambridge, where he had to work to pay for his studies.


The reader: 

Neanderthals took "aspirins"

The researchers uncovered in the journal Nature hitherto unpublished aspects of the life of Neanderthals, the intelligent human "other species", which disappeared from Europe shortly after the arrival of the first modern humans, our direct ancestors.
The work showed that the Neanderthals were able to adapt to their environment much better than was believed and they dominated a number of medicinal plants, which they used without problem to cure diseases and ailments.
Among them, the fungus Penicillium and the bark of the poplar, which contains the active principle of modern aspirins. These novelties were discovered because it was possible to analyze, for the first time, the DNA contained in the dental calculus deposits of these Neanderthals.

12/03/2017 03:41h


Being behind de camera. 

Guernica is a famous painting by Pablo Picasso, painted between May and June 1937, whose title alludes to the bombing of Guernica, which occurred on April 26 of that year, during the Spanish Civil

War. Wikipedia
Artist: Pablo Picasso
Size: 3.49 m x 7.77 m
Location: National Museum of Art Reina Sofía
Date of creation: April 26, 1937-June 1937
Genre: Narrative genre

Theme: Spanish Civil War, War, Suffering

Resultado de imagen de Guernica

What is going on this week? 

6 to 9 March 2017
11th European Congress of Andrology - ICA 2017
Organized by the European Academy of Andrology (EAA)
Copenhagen, Denmark

Congress of the Mexican College of National Urology A.C. (CMU)
March 7-11, 2017
XLI International Congress of the Mexican College of National Urology
Convention Center Yucatan Siglo XXI, Mérida, Mexico.

March 9-11, 2017
2nd International Congress of the Latin American Association of Pelvic Floor (ALAPP)
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Congress of the European Association of Urology (UAE)
March 24-28, 2017
EAU 2017 - 32nd Annual EAU Congress
London England.

miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2017

Space X states that send two space tourists on a trip around the Moon in 2018- NOTICIA6

Space X states that send two space tourists on a trip around the Moon in 2018

This is the title of a report of the company private space SpaceX with the purpose, as well the title says, to make a tourist trip by the Moon.In this trip you will use a ship that is already being developed for NASA, the Dragon 2, and a heavy rocket that has not yet been tested nor approved by Elon Musk president of the company. Musk has explained in a press conference that the goal is to launch at the end of 2018. With regard to passengers, their identity is not known, but it seems that they are going to pay the cost of a ticket to the ISS. That is, between forty and eighty million dollars. It is not known whether traveling alone, but that is what emerges from the news. Both, no matter who they may be, will become the first humans back to the Moon since 1972.


-Company private space Space X: Es una empresa norteamericana de transporte aeroespacial fundada en 2002 por Elon Musk
-Dragon 2: es una nave espacial reutilizable, desarrollada por la empresa privada estadounidense SpaceX, capaz de llevar carga a la órbita baja terrestre 

About this story i have to say that I am in favor and against the project of the Space X. I am in favor of that travel so incredible and that many we will have the opportunity to see something as nice as traveling around the moon, I think that it is an opportunity to see beyond and get so much more to everything that surrounds us.But I understand even though I do not agree with the idea of having to pay so much for go, since they do not all have that opportunity by the economic issue and may only go wealthy families, as well as famous, kings and queens and millionaires for sell anything.I would also like to see what is out there.
But my question is, will have to prepare to move to that vessel, such as astronauts?

martes, 21 de febrero de 2017

Scott Kelly, the astronaut rejuvenated in the space

Scott Kelly, the astronaut rejuvenated in the space

This is the experiment carried out in NASA that is to distinguish between two twins, Mark and Scott Kelly, two astronauts determined to use this mission.This mission has been carried out to find differences between these two twins, one of them that are on earth and at the same time as another in the space. The difference that has attracted the attention of researchers is a study on the telomeres. Are the ends of chromosomes.It has been observed that their telomeres were lengthened space during the stay. Now researchers are trying to find out the cause because, warn, could simply be due to physical exercise and diet that Scott followed during the 340 days on which it was orbiting the Earth.

14 FEB

Telomeres: Are regions of non-coding DNA, highly repetitive, whose main function is the structural stability of the chromosomes in eukaryotic cells, cell division and the life time of the cell strains.
NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Ámbito científico: Space
Conclusión: I find it very interesting this mission that NASA has done that, thanks to things like this, perhaps we can go a step further by providing you of old age and perhaps we can delay, which I think is one of the things that everyone is afraid, aging