domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2016

NOTICIA DE LA SETMANA 4: "Malaria case tests two thousand years ago".


An analysis of 2,000-year-old human remains from various regions of the Italian peninsula has confirmed the presence of malaria in the Roman Empire. The finding could provide definitive arguments for the long debate about the existence of the disease in this ancient civilization. 

The key is in samples of the mitochondrial genome of malaria, extracted from the teeth of skulls buried in three Italian cemeteries, dating back to the Imperial period from the first to third centuries of our era.

[Img #40557]   


Mitochondrial genome--> genoma mitocondrial--> The mitochondrial genome is the genetic material of the mitochondria, the organelles that generate energy for the cell.


I think is surprising that a disease stay active since third century.

OPINAR, SABER, CREER- Natalia Llabrés, Francesca Mees

NOTICIA DE LA SETMANA 1: "Subtle helium emanations as predictive signal of imminent earthquake".


Japanese researchers have found that, as some have suspected, there is a relationship between helium levels in groundwater and the amount of stress exerted on Earth's inner rock layers. This has been seen in localities near the epicenter of the Kumamoto earthquake of 2016. Scientists hope the finding will lead to the development of a surveillance system capable of detecting changes in tension that could portend a major earthquake.

Several studies, including some on the great Kobe earthquake in Japan in 1995, have indicated that changes in the chemical composition of groundwater may occur before seismic movements. However, researchers still needed to accumulate evidence to link with sufficient certainty the occurrence of earthquakes with such chemical changes.

A team of researchers from the University of Tokyo in Japan and their collaborators found that when the stress exerted on the earth's crust was high, so were the levels of an isotope of helium, helium-4, released into groundwater Near the epicenter of the 7.3-magnitude Kumamoto earthquake in southwestern Japan, which caused 50 deaths and serious material damage.

[Img #40509]


No he trobat cap paraula.


I think that this will be very usefull to detect the possible earthquakes in the future.

Several studies, including some on the great Kobe earthquake in Japan in 1995, have indicated that changes in the chemical composition of groundwater may occur before seismic movements. However, researchers still needed to accumulate evidence to link with sufficient certainty the occurrence of earthquakes with such chemical changes.

jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

Spanish scientists reverse aging

The team of Juan Carlos Izpisúa successfully used a cellular reprogramming technique to eliminate the damage of time in mice and human cells

A group of researchers, led by the Spanish Juan Carlos Izpisua of the Laboratory of Gene Expression of the Salk Institute of the United States, have taken a step closer to this scientific dream. It would be enough to use a cocktail of four gens to erase the signs of aging. The demostration, with mice and human cells, is presented in the magazine «Cell».
In addition to the US center, the research team has collaborated with the Catholic University of Murcia, the Center Clinic in Madrid, the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona and the University of Michigan School of Medicine.

With the treatment, the cells grown in the laboratory rejuvenated not only in appearance, but in its functioning. The effect was remarkable. The therapy was applied in two types of mice: in a model that reproduces progeria, a rare disease that in humans causes a premature and aggressive aging from birth, and in mice with a natural old age. In the former, treatment prolonged life by 30 percent. "If we transferred this figure to humans, we would be talking about 25 years in a person with a life expectancy of 80 years, although it is still very difficult to extrapolate this figure," Juan Carlos Izpisúa, lead author of the study, told ABC.

In normal mice, the strategy improved the repair capacity of the muscles and pancreas (these two organs were chosen, as others might have been chosen to see their recovery). "We believe that the rejuvenating effects will be observed in all tissues and organs because the molecular basis of aging are common. Mice are not human and we know that it will be much more complex to rejuvenate a person, "he acknowledges.

Imagen de la noticia para ciencia de


In my opinion this type of discovery can bring a lot of positive tings to us but it's a large project that will sems results in a few years.

lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016

What if the sun disappeared suddenly?

What if the sun disappeared suddenly?

You do not need to be an astronomer to know that the sun is a star huge, on which we depend for survival. But the question that everyone is asking is: But what would happen if a good day the sun disappear suddenly?
The WebCenter has made a chart, to collect what would happen if that were to happen.
First there ended the gravity, after eternal darkness and later ended the heat
Because the planets are linked thanks to the energy gravitational, if this would disappear the planets would struggle or to cause a insulation and adopt a different position. If we did not have any light, what more I highlight of the news is that the plants could not make photosynthesis, therefore could not generate the oxygen that we need to live. One of the options to survive to be without heat from the sun, would be to go under the ground that is concentrated more heat, another temporary solution would be to build habitation modules completely isolated from external conditions, although it would have very little time to do it


Ámbit científic: Astronomía 
Glossari: (No he encontrado nada)

In conclusion, without the sun could not live, as we rely on him and his energy, and that thanks to that we exist,
And however much we try to find a solution we would end up dying well, for one thing or the other. The sun is the most precious to us

domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2016



Each tonne of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere of whatever person causes the disappearance of 3 square meters of ice in the Arctic. 
The study that the scientific made also explains that this type of gas emissions causes an increasement in the average temperature of 2 degrees  
Even if it doesn't reach the 2 degrees of increasement but it keeps the current rhythm of growth of the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, the Arctic, will be without ice in the summer of 2050.
The climate change is caused mainly by human activities for example our car used with petrol in one year makes 22.000 Km that means that the car ejects 3,8 tonnes and that is 11,4 square meter of ice.

- Link or reference

- Date


- Scientific scope

Nature and climate change

- Glossary

Atmosphere The gases around the earth

Degrees A unit for mesure temperatures or angles

Rhythm A regular, repeated pattern of movements

- Commmentary

This news is very interestring and will help people be aware with the situation that we are living in our earth and that we have to take care of it because the consequences of not doing this are very big and it can result in destroy our species and the ones that surround us.
This news talks principally about the emission of CO2 and global warming but global warming is also related with the greenhouse effect caused by human societies in city zones industrialized and in developing.
The greenhouse effect consists in gases trapping heat in the atmosphere but with the burning fossil fuels of human activities makes the temperature rise.

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

"Cryptozoology" (Pseudociencie)


Cryptozoology is a pseudo-science that deals with the search for animals whose existence has not been proven. Interest cryptology animals are called "cryptids", a term coined by John Wall in 1983. This includes live specimens of extinct species, as avian dinosaurs; animals lacking evidence but appear in myths, legends or eye reports, like Bigfoot, the Chupacabra or the Loch Ness Monster...

As a field, cryptozoology originates from the works of colleagues Bernard Heuvelmans, a Belgian-French zoologist, and Ivan T. Sanderson, a Scottish zoologist. Notably, Heuvelmans published On the Track of Unknown Animals in 1955, a landmark work among cryptozoologists that was followed by numerous other like works. Similarly, Sanderson published a series of books that assisted in developing hallmarks of cryptozoology, including Abominable Snowmen: Legend Come to Life (1961).
Resultat d'imatges de Cryptozoology Resultat d'imatges de Cryptozoology

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2016



First I want to explain why did I choose this pseudoscience, I choose herbalism and herbology because this to subjects are very interesting and in my surroundings is used a lot for example children in Holland are used to drink herbal tea and it's very good to your health but in Spain it isn't usual, in this essay I did choose to work with herbalism and more specific in the application of this herbs for detoxification.

In this video there's a girl explaining the profits of drinking different types of tea, because now a days with the new technology for example artificial food created by industries, people are more exposed to toxins and illnesses, our organs are designed to eliminate toxins although they are efficient they are weakened by the toxins of our environment by our poor diets and life styles, cleaning and detoxification is our next step for have an optimal health. This girl explains how drinking tea her life and health as improved a lot, for example green tea has a lot of antioxidants protecting our cells and molecules from damage,it also increases fat burning and improves physical performance etc.
In our life styles we are used to detoxificating our external bodies for example taking a shower, cleaning our teeth etc. we have to realize more the importance of detoxificating our internal bodies and whit herbal products we do it in a more naturally way.
In the video I choose I did explain how herbs can detox our bodies but there is  other plants extract that we can use for have a better life style.
Plants have the ability to synthesize chemical compounds that help defend against attack from a wide variety of predators ,but it turn out to have beneficial effects when used to treat human diseases, that's why sometimes is used in medicine.There is little difference between herbal medicine and medicine in terms of what is used, the difference it's in how it is used. So for example you can treat a disease with an extract of a plant but you have to be very careful with the dose because you can also kill someone. So little by little medicine started standardisation the extract of plants and testing everything, while herbal practitioners show and defend that giving the whole plant instead than the extract is better that's why herbalism is not considered a science.

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2016



The word "astrology" means "Study of the stars". Is based on a series of beliefs and superstitions, according to which, on the basis of the interpretation of the Movement of the stars, you can understand and predict the events, because these are related in some way with our reality. Astrology is considered an academic discipline of scientific status.Today, astrology is considered as a pseudoscience or as a superstition, because it is not truly able to explain the phenomena of the universe, i.e. is not scientifically proven. In addition, has not found a scientific way to explain how the stars influence human beings and history

Robert Hand The man of the photo is one of the most important astrologers of the world. His father was who taught him the 'magic'' of astrology and applied techniques that he knew.
Robert Hand was known in the beginning of his career as the first practitioner of astrology that designed programs of astrology for microcomputers. With its effort founded Astro-Graphics Services in 1979, which then became Astrolabe
Current positions of the planets: (15/12/16)
Resultado de imagen de posición actual de los planetas 18 de diciembre

Acupuncture (pseudocience)

The term acupuncture describes a set of procedures involving stimulation of certain anatomical points using a variety of techniques. The variant of acupuncture applied more often, and whose possible beneficial effects have been studied in greater depth, is the variant in which thin needles are inserted into the skin at certain strategic points in order to alleviate a wide range pathologies.

Acupuncture has been practiced in China and other Asian countries for thousands of years. Today, it is a therapy also well known in the Western world, millions of people are turning to acupuncture as an alternative therapy to relieve various ailments and improve their quality of life.

According to some studies done, acupuncture may be effective for the treatment of:
  • Chronic back pain.
  • Knee osteoarthritis.
  • Headaches, migraines.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Fibromyalgia.
  • Menstrual cramps.
  • Agonys level neck contractures.
If you suffer from some type of chronic pain, acupuncture may be a good option to complement the therapy that you have indicated your doctor. This type of treatment should always be performed by trained personnel. At the time of contact a professional laacupuntura, consider the following tips:
acupuntura beneficios
In my opinion this pseudoscience is quite useful for all the benefits enos what gives. It does not hurt much. It lasts no more than about 20 minutes. I really helps to relax, I encourage anyone reading this review to make it. 

domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2016

 The brain of rats explains why


Rats have tickles in the belly and feet, when you touch that zone they emit vocalisations high-pitched, so high-pitched that they are ultrasounds that are the same as laughs of humans.
This observations they did do in the university of Humboldt where for investigate the bases of laugh in neurology.
In the university they didn't only look the behavior, they did also investigated the group of neurons in the cortex "somatosensorial" that are used in this behaviors .
The results show that like humans anxiety inhibits tickles.This proofs that the cortex "somatosensorial" not only responds to stimulus manually.
This explains the pleasure of pats in animals or touch in humans.
Maybe the sensation of tickle is a trick of the brain for like this the game and interaction with others is gratifying.

- Link or reference

- Date


- Scientific scope


- Glossary

Laugh: to smile and make sounds with your voice because something something is funny
Behaviour: the way you behave to do or say things in a particular way.
Cortex: the other layer of the brain
Gratifying: causing pleasure or satisfaction
Tickle: to touch someone with your fingers, in order to make them laugh

- Commmentary

Laugh expresses positive emotions such as happiness, and doing tickles is a way to make a person laugh, theres other ways of making people laugh but tickles is only one you need physical contact. 
Tickling is considered a game between humans. Laughing is a state of pleasure of a person.
The investigation proof that the neurons of the cortex "somatosensorial" not only respond to stimulus manually they also respond to emotions such as anxiety.
But tickles can provoke annoying sensations for example when an insect is on your skin.
Not all the animals feel pleasure by tickles.
Laughter is a part of human behavior regulated by the brain, social interactions and emotions can provoke this.
Laugh is an healthy function that can improve your health, for example laughter relieve pain. It can have negative aspects but if you laugh with moderation and in a controlled way you wont have a problem. And laughing you move a lot of muscles and you burn calories.
If you smile and laugh i think you will have a better life.

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

NOTICIA DE LA SETMANA 3: "Europe could cancel ExoMars 2020 mission if it does not get more funding"

Europe could cancel ExoMars 2020 mission if it does not get more funding

The European Space Agency (ESA) needs "several hundred million euros" to continue with its rugged project to explore the Red Planet, ExoMars 2020, and hopes to get those funds, but its CEO warned Monday that the program can be canceled if it fails the financial support of its members.

ExoMars 2020 is an ambitious European-Russian scientific mission in two stages at 2016 and at 2020 aimed at looking for signs of current or remote life on Mars.

The first part was finalized on 19 October 2016 with the successful launch of the Russian-European probe TGO.

However, the "Schiaparelli" module traveling on the probe failed to reach Mars well and ESA is still investigating the causes of the impact.


Sonda rusoeuropea TGO---> Russian-European probe TGO---> Un orbitador transportador robótico, que fue lanzado hacia Marte el 14 de marzo de 2016 como parte del programa ExoMars, liderado por la ESA.


En mi opinión es un desperdicio de capital, invertirlo en esta misión, ya que por lo que parece no llega a ningún buen resultado. Yo pienso que deberían abortar la causa y no gastar más dinero.



miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016

Cover Crops in buildings: the solution of Madrid for the climate change

Cover Crops in buildings: the solution of Madrid for the climate change 

Raised in Madrid in a first phase to ten cover crops in municipal buildings. Aims to promote a green urban infrastructure that offers benefits to the city. And it does so in three scales, building, neighborhood and city.

-Within the scope building sustainable plant covers will be created in ten municipal buildings such as well-known libraries.And believe that it will be able to get to improve the energy performance of the building, in addition to regulate the flow of rains in case of heavy rainfall, the increase of surfaces of spaces of the city plant and many more enhancements to the city of Madrid
-In regard to the neighborhoods they want to install banks and bins in order to reduce the transit of cars and to get to create a more pleasant microclimate. And so improve the microclimate with an increase of the vegetation and the space for the pedestrian
-In the field city is projected the naturalization of the Manzanares on its way through the city to increase urban biodiversity

Ámbito científico medioambiental 
Glosario : 
Manzanares: Es un río del centro de España, afluente por la derecha del Jarama, que a su vez es tributario del Tajo. 
Incremiento: (Incrementar) Hacer que algo sea mayor en cantidad, tamaño, intensidad, importancia, etc
Infraestuctura: Conjunto de medios técnicos, servicios e instalaciones necesarios para el desarrollo de una actividad o para que un lugar pueda ser utilizado.

 I think it is great that are willing to implement environmental infrastructures to improve the pollution and trying to find different ways of achieving an improvement in the environment, since it is very important for our planet and for us to be able to breathe pure oxygen. In addition that gives the city a good image with both green

lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016

Graphene, the divine material

Grafeno, el material divino
Lámina de grafeno
200 times stronger than steel, but flexible and lightweight, this is the material that is destined to change the technology

Graphene is so special, so unique and so promising material that would seem magic if wasn't something as simple as a layer of carbon atoms shaped like a honeycomb but two dimensions.
Although still present has little, their future is so promising that threatens to revolutionize diverse technologies and sectors.

With the thickness of an atom, no thinner material, a million times thinner than a human hair. Graphene is at the same time, very strong, about 200 times more than the steel. And it is very flexible and so light that one square meter of graphene weighs only 0.77 milligrams.
Another particular lays eyes chiribitas all the electronics and technology industry. Besides being a great thermal conductor, also it conducts electricity better than copper or silicon. And on top it is abundant and relatively inexpensive to produce.

Discovered in 2004 by two researchers at the University of Manchester who received the Nobel


  • Honeycomb; a structure of hexagonal cells of wax, made by bees to store honey and eggs.

  • Threatens: state one's intention to take hostile action against someone in retribution for something done or not done.

4 NOV 2016 - 19:28 CET


I think that the invention of graphene is a great discovery because it is the largest technology to the present invention just being created. Graphene is going to be very useful, as it will create many electronic devices, which are savers and are very easy to use, so as to keep them as they are flexible and can be bent as it is therefore in my view I say that graphene is very favorable to us because it does not pollute much and is a technological breakthrough for humanity.

lunes, 31 de octubre de 2016

NOTICIA DE LA SETMANA 2: "Yoshinori Ohsumi wins the Nobel Prize for Medicine 2016 to illuminate Recycling System Body"

"Yoshinori Ohsumi wins the Nobel Prize for Medicine 2016 to illuminate Recycling System Body"

Japan's Yoshinori Ohsumi was awarded on October 5, 2016 with the Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery of the mechanisms of autophagy, the recycling system of the body. The meaning of the word autophagy has its origin in the Greek language and means "eat yourself." The concept emerged during the 1960s, when researchers found that the cells could destroy their own content, locking in membranes and sending the resulting lysosomal vesicles, a cellular organelle in charge of recycling, as detailed in a statement the Karolinska Institute, who is granting this award. 

Little is known about this phenomenon until the early 1990s, "in a series of brilliant experiments" with baker's yeast, according to the Karolinska Institute, Ohsumi identified the genes of autophagy. Japanese researcher then working at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.


Autophagy--> Autofàgia--> L'autofàgia és un procés catabòlic altament conservat en eucariotes, en el qual el citoplasma, incloent-hi l'excés d'orgànuls o aquells deteriorats o aberrants, són segrestats en vesícules de doble membrana i alliberats dins el lisosoma o vacúol per a la seva descomposició i eventual reciclatge de les macromolècules resultants.

domingo, 30 de octubre de 2016

Are the most intelligent animals the ones who yawn longer?

Are the most intelligent animals the ones who yawn longer?


Yawning is not only a uncontrolled human and animal action researched by doctors and psychologists, they have confirmed that hundreds of species of animals yawn like humans.
After analyzing 205 videos in youtube of the yawning of 177 animals and 24 species different, they did find a relation between features about a yawn and the brain of the animal.

The species with more varied yawns and of more length of time are the animals with brains heavier and with more neurons in the cortical.
Humans have 12.000 cortical neurons and our yawns is of 6 seconds of duration and for example rats yawn is 1,5 seconds.



Scientific scope

Biology and animal. Yawn duration predicts brain weight and cortical neuron number in mammals


Yawn: to take a deep breath with your mouthwide open

Lenght: How long is something from one end to the other

Species: A group of animals or plants that are the same in one way

Features: An important part of something

Neurons: A nerve cell that carries information between the brain and other part of the body


Yawn is reflex that consist in inhaling air and stretching, it is a contagious reflex. There is approximately 20 physiological reasons why we yawn.
think that this news is very interesting and i didn't know about it, i only thought that it was uncontrolled action that you do when you feel sleepy.
But this research demonstrates that is not the only characteristics that yawn gives us.
If you yawn longer that means that your brain is heavier and that you more neurons.
This study doesn't demonstrates that this appends in members of the same species but yes between other species.
It is also interesting that this research is also been done from the youtube platform of videos of animals yawning.
Yawning can mean that you a bored that's why this action sometimes it can be considerated a bad-behaviour.
In humans the yawn contagion is related to the social closenesses, that means that the higher level of contagion is with the people who are more bonded.

Yes, it is what it seems

Chimpanzees and bonobos had plus than an affaire in the past. According to a study published on science. They reproduced each one hundreds of years ago and they left footprints that can be read in their genomes. The investigation, lead by spanish and CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas) scientifics, studied genomes complete of chimpanzees and bonobos of eleven african countries since Guinea to Tanzania. These analysis revealed that were crossovers beetwen these two kinds of chimpanzees. The first one, half million of years ago, and the most recently 200.000 years ago. Nowadays it can't happen. 

The fourth one (Link)  28/10/2016 19:18.


Bonobos: It is one of two speciees in the gender of chimpanzees. The other kind of gender is the common chimpanzee.

Resultado de imagen de bonobo
Text Comentary: 

All I can say of this text is that it's brilliant that different types of chimpanzees had got sexual relationships each other. It's like when humans have got relationships. The combination in a japanese-guinea marriage will be exciting for us. Nowadays these type of chimpanzees affaires don't happen but years ago it was possible. 

Resultado de imagen de chimpances

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2016

"Thinking that we can live a thousand years is a conservative figure"

"Thinking that we can live a thousand years is a conservative figure"            20 OCT 2016

These have been the words of the British Aubrey de Grey a biogerontólogo that works in a technique of recovery of tissues that ensures that will enable us to live a thousand years.
His vision of aging:
the way it conceives the aging is different to the general idea that society has. According to Gray we can escape the aging using technologies such as gene and cell therapy, as well as vaccines and drugs, because for him the aging is a disease.
“Pensar que podemos vivir 1.000 años es una cifra conservadora” 

biogerontólogo(Gerontología): es la ciencia que se dedica a estudiar los diversos aspectos de la vejez y el envejecimiento de una población, La gerontología aborda todas las dimensiones de la vejez, incluyendo los aspectos biológicos.

Comentario de texto:
“Envejecer es un proceso natural e inevitable, pero solo en ausencia de medicina”
“No le damos a la gente las suficientes habilidades para sacar lo máximo de estar vivos”
These have been the words of Aubrey in an interview. It seems to me truly incredible that we can reach so many years and I agree with him. Equal that centuries ago the prosperity of life of a person was until the 30 and now we are by the 80. Are some 50 years of more than thanks to the scientific areas we have a prosperity of life higher than before.

viernes, 7 de octubre de 2016


The brown pelican, cormorants, loons, gannets or the loons. 
These are some of the birds that can exceed 80 km / h when diving into the water to search for prey. According to the jumpers circuit Red Bull, which reach similar speeds to jump from almost 30 meters, if the input is clean hardly feel the impact (they have a water jet that breaks the surface tension and lessens the blow considerably) but if the input is bad, "it is like Mike Tyson gave you full".
Resultado de imagen de pelicano marron Resultado de imagen de cormorantsResultado de imagen de loons

But birds do normally always head and despite the thinness of his neck. "We were interested to see what happens when objects are immersed in water - explains Sunny Jung, one of the authors of the study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America -., So we looked for examples in nature In this regard, gannets are amazing. "Jung is an expert in the field of fluid mechanics and has published so ... striking a study on the system using dogs to drink, another on how to float flowers and even one called dynamic fluid under pressure: clap your hands are wet.

Jung's team focused on investigating the biomechanics of gannets diving and discovered that both the shape of the head, neck, as the length of the muscles work together to ensure that the impact with the water does not cause damage.

To analyze the accurately as possible, they used a booby rescued by the Museum of Natural Sciences North Carolina and counted 3D replicas of the skulls provided by the Smithsonian Institute. The results showed that the main force acting on the head of alcatraz, is friction, but the geometry of the head, neck length and shape of the peak, reduces this friction when compared to other birds "says Jung.


-The brown pelican: It is a subspecies of brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis), a bird belonging to the family of pelicans (Pelecanidae) inhabiting, with several subspecies, in the coasts of America from southern United States to Brazil. This subspecies is found on the islands and coasts of tropical America that bathes the Pacific Ocean.

Cormorant: is a family of some 40 species of aquatic birds commonly known as cormorants and shags. Several different classifications of the family have been proposed recently, and the number of genera is disputed. There is no consistent distinction between "cormorants" and "shags" as these appellations have been assigned to different species randomly.


In my opinion this new it's so interesting because these type of birds do things that the humans or other type of bird can't do. 
They do this because they are searching from prey so it's so important doing these things to supervive.