domingo, 22 de enero de 2017

Eat less and well

The researchs confirms that a caloric restriction extends primates life and, above all, improves their quality in old age

Eatting less does not mean to follow the traditional diet to maintain the weight, of the style 2,500 or 3,000 kilocalories daily, that usually advise the nutritionists. It means eating less than that, maybe 30% less. That is, it means going hungry, and also keeping an exquisite care so that there is no lack of essential nutrients in the diet. The second is that the confirmation we are talking about is for the moment in non-human primates, so that we still do not have the bomb-proof confirmation for human primates.

Extending life has undoubted power, but scientists and doctors are much more interested in the other side of the issue: that calorie restriction improves life even if it does not lengthen it. It warns against the four horsemen of the apocalypse in developed countries: heart attack, cancer, diabetes and neurodegeneration.
The reason is that it slows down the aging, and with it the appearance of all those diseases that are the easements of the age. This is precisely the kind of preventive medicine we need, because continuing to base the increase in average life expectancy on increasingly expensive heart attack treatments is unsustainable even in the medium term. And the export of our Western fat festivals to developing countries threatens to generate a planetary pandemic of obesity, disease and premature death.


Bomb-profe   -   A prueba de bomba
Easements      -  Servidumbres


In my opinion this text speaks of a complicated subject that is the food and generalizes enough, since we can not base this thesis of eating less in our day to day without consultation to a qualified professional

La fotografía muestra a un macaco que siguió una dieta baja en calorías. A la derecha, otro ejemplar, que comió todo lo que quiso y pudo.

jueves, 19 de enero de 2017

So will be the explosion that could change the sky in 2022 - (Noticia4)

So will be the explosion that could change the sky in 2022

Although we understand the sky, as something quiet and still, there are many things unexplained and ''Invisible'' for us.Out there the galaxies "collide", the stars are born and die, and there are bursts of energy capable of traveling thousands of millions of light years away.Although the sky is eternal as the distances are enormous.Larry Molnar, an astrophysicist at Calvin College announced that in 2022, we will see a significant change in heaven with our own eyes  as two stars merged into one and created a powerful explosion, known as nova, which will become a new point of light in the sky.And it also says that for the first time we can observe a two-star system before and after the merger.
The history of this prediction began in 2008. By then the astronomer Romuald Tylenda watched the stars, V1309 Scorpii. The object behaved strangely and suddenly broke out, in the form of red nova, a type of explosion that had been introduced only shortly before. The Tylenda data showed that, prior to the outbreak, the orbit of the star was closing faster than ever.According to the astrophysicist Larry, if his prediction fails, it will not be bad at all. The reason for this is that then they would have to prove that they should seek the reasons for the behavior of KIC 9832227 in another part. "Discover why undergoes certain changes in its brightness, it would also be an important discovery, though not as nice as a new point in the sky", has joked Molnar.

Representación de una estrella binaria de contacto. Se cree que la explosión de una así provocará la aparición de un nuevo punto de luz en el cielo nocturno


Ambit Science: Astronomy
-Nova: Es una explosión termonuclear causada por la acumulación de hidrógeno en la superficie de una enana blanca 

I believe that there is no conclusion in this news, because it is a hopeful and that it is not known if you will. In my defense I can say that I love the world of astronomy and astrophysics and I find it very interesting because we can evolve thanks to this nova explosion of two stars) no matter what happens, we will evolve in one way or another.