Chimpanzees and bonobos had plus than an affaire in the past. According to a study published on science. They reproduced each one hundreds of years ago and they left footprints that can be read in their genomes. The investigation, lead by spanish and CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas) scientifics, studied genomes complete of chimpanzees and bonobos of eleven african countries since Guinea to Tanzania. These analysis revealed that were crossovers beetwen these two kinds of chimpanzees. The first one, half million of years ago, and the most recently 200.000 years ago. Nowadays it can't happen.
The fourth one (Link) 28/10/2016 19:18.
Bonobos: It is one of two speciees in the gender of chimpanzees. The other kind of gender is the common chimpanzee.
Text Comentary:
All I can say of this text is that it's brilliant that different types of chimpanzees had got sexual relationships each other. It's like when humans have got relationships. The combination in a japanese-guinea marriage will be exciting for us. Nowadays these type of chimpanzees affaires don't happen but years ago it was possible.

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