"Yoshinori Ohsumi wins the Nobel Prize for Medicine 2016 to illuminate Recycling System Body"
Japan's Yoshinori Ohsumi was awarded on October 5, 2016 with the Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery of the mechanisms of autophagy, the recycling system of the body. The meaning of the word autophagy has its origin in the Greek language and means "eat yourself." The concept emerged during the 1960s, when researchers found that the cells could destroy their own content, locking in membranes and sending the resulting lysosomal vesicles, a cellular organelle in charge of recycling, as detailed in a statement the Karolinska Institute, who is granting this award.
Little is known about this phenomenon until the early 1990s, "in a series of brilliant experiments" with baker's yeast, according to the Karolinska Institute, Ohsumi identified the genes of autophagy. Japanese researcher then working at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Autophagy--> Autofàgia--> L'autofàgia és un procés catabòlic altament conservat en eucariotes, en el qual el citoplasma, incloent-hi l'excés d'orgànuls o aquells deteriorats o aberrants, són segrestats en vesícules de doble membrana i alliberats dins el lisosoma o vacúol per a la seva descomposició i eventual reciclatge de les macromolècules resultants.
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