Memories deleted by the Alzheimer's can recover
is the name of the article, on an experiment done to mice by bursts
of light in the brain. For the experiment took two groups of mice a
few healthy and other genetically modified for suffering from the
early stages of Alzheimer's, they placed the mice in a passenger
compartment whose soil blew electric shock.
was to be expected, after spending several days sick mice had
forgotten the electric shock that had received previous days, while
the non-ill reminded the jolt with Fear.
gave an expected result decided to try another method. In this
entered the game in the optogenética, inserts, using viruses, algae
genes sensitive to light in the brains of mice. To mark these
specific cells and powering them with bursts of light, mice with
Alzheimer's returned to recall the electric shock. This means that if
a memory seems to have vanished, is still there and the only thing
difficult is to know how to retrieve it from all.
to turn the light off the rescue of the memories are suspended, the
result of this experiment was that the long-term sick mice recovered
memory and were well as normal mice.

16 MAR 2016
personal: I believe that this experiment with pets is a great step
forward for the science and i am in favor of this as long as the
animals do not suffer. In addition the Alzheimer's for me, is one of
the worst diseases, not to say the worst. Has affected more than
8,000 Spanish people and not remember moments of your life is very
hard because the basis of life is that, Live live and live to build a
tomorrow. I only hope that some day a cure is found for humans and it
disappears this disease
compartment -> habitáculo : Coarse and senzillo space/ espacio
tosco y senzillo
have not found more words, because I understand the news as I have
done with my words)
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