domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2016



Each tonne of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere of whatever person causes the disappearance of 3 square meters of ice in the Arctic. 
The study that the scientific made also explains that this type of gas emissions causes an increasement in the average temperature of 2 degrees  
Even if it doesn't reach the 2 degrees of increasement but it keeps the current rhythm of growth of the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, the Arctic, will be without ice in the summer of 2050.
The climate change is caused mainly by human activities for example our car used with petrol in one year makes 22.000 Km that means that the car ejects 3,8 tonnes and that is 11,4 square meter of ice.

- Link or reference

- Date


- Scientific scope

Nature and climate change

- Glossary

Atmosphere The gases around the earth

Degrees A unit for mesure temperatures or angles

Rhythm A regular, repeated pattern of movements

- Commmentary

This news is very interestring and will help people be aware with the situation that we are living in our earth and that we have to take care of it because the consequences of not doing this are very big and it can result in destroy our species and the ones that surround us.
This news talks principally about the emission of CO2 and global warming but global warming is also related with the greenhouse effect caused by human societies in city zones industrialized and in developing.
The greenhouse effect consists in gases trapping heat in the atmosphere but with the burning fossil fuels of human activities makes the temperature rise.

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