domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2016

 The brain of rats explains why


Rats have tickles in the belly and feet, when you touch that zone they emit vocalisations high-pitched, so high-pitched that they are ultrasounds that are the same as laughs of humans.
This observations they did do in the university of Humboldt where for investigate the bases of laugh in neurology.
In the university they didn't only look the behavior, they did also investigated the group of neurons in the cortex "somatosensorial" that are used in this behaviors .
The results show that like humans anxiety inhibits tickles.This proofs that the cortex "somatosensorial" not only responds to stimulus manually.
This explains the pleasure of pats in animals or touch in humans.
Maybe the sensation of tickle is a trick of the brain for like this the game and interaction with others is gratifying.

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- Scientific scope


- Glossary

Laugh: to smile and make sounds with your voice because something something is funny
Behaviour: the way you behave to do or say things in a particular way.
Cortex: the other layer of the brain
Gratifying: causing pleasure or satisfaction
Tickle: to touch someone with your fingers, in order to make them laugh

- Commmentary

Laugh expresses positive emotions such as happiness, and doing tickles is a way to make a person laugh, theres other ways of making people laugh but tickles is only one you need physical contact. 
Tickling is considered a game between humans. Laughing is a state of pleasure of a person.
The investigation proof that the neurons of the cortex "somatosensorial" not only respond to stimulus manually they also respond to emotions such as anxiety.
But tickles can provoke annoying sensations for example when an insect is on your skin.
Not all the animals feel pleasure by tickles.
Laughter is a part of human behavior regulated by the brain, social interactions and emotions can provoke this.
Laugh is an healthy function that can improve your health, for example laughter relieve pain. It can have negative aspects but if you laugh with moderation and in a controlled way you wont have a problem. And laughing you move a lot of muscles and you burn calories.
If you smile and laugh i think you will have a better life.

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