The goat cyclops that has become a miracle for a village in India
The past 10 of May, the villagers of Assam, a town in northeast India, witnessed what was described as "a miracle". One of the goats in the area gave birth to a small goat very special: it only had one eye, such as the cyclopes, a creature from Greek mythology. This Kid already has nine days with life.The Kid also lacks the eyelashes, eyelids, one ear and several teeth. His jaw is too short and his nose is undeveloped. The scientific journal 'National Geographic', which has been given to know this strange case, explains that is due to a problem in the brain of the animal. The goat has separated the two hemispheres of the brain that causes it to have just one eye cavity.
The disease that suffers the goat cyclops can also suffer from the people. In addition, it affects other species such as horses, pigs, cows, cats and some types of sharks. However, it is a disorder that occurs on a regular basis. The cyclopia occurs in one out of every 16,000 births of animals.
(science and technology)
CYCLOPIA:The CYCLOPIA is a congenital malformation characterized by the presence of a single orbit facial or "pseudo-orbit", a product of the failed division of the orbital cavity in two orbits in the forebrain during the development phase of the embryo.
I think that this story is very different than the ones that I have been able to do before. As both the context and the arguments are based on the evolution of the species and in particular speaks of the technological science. I believe that both mutations such as genetic defects (birth) help the evolution of what we have discovered by now and is able to open the door to a world unknown or even better a better future
I think that this story is very different than the ones that I have been able to do before. As both the context and the arguments are based on the evolution of the species and in particular speaks of the technological science. I believe that both mutations such as genetic defects (birth) help the evolution of what we have discovered by now and is able to open the door to a world unknown or even better a better future
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