martes, 23 de mayo de 2017

NEWS 10: 52,000 deaths a year from tobacco


  • 20% of Spanish people smoke habitually
  • 17% of smokers have tried to quit the habit more than four times.
  • The average consumption of cigarettes of this people is around 12 a day.

The medical society has presented the conclusions of a survey in which have participated 9,045 people from all over Spain. 

"The results of the survey show that a large majority are in favor of advancing the limitation of smoking," says César Minué, coordinator of Smoke-Free Week, who regrets that despite the anti-smoking laws were "a breakthrough" that "Put Spain in the lead at the international level," since 2011 there has been no progress, so "the improvements achieved have the risk of stagnating."

What methods are we trying to reduce the number of smokers? 

- Ban the act of smoking in the inside of the cars. 
- Use of  a generic packaging, which can be very useful combating smoking between the adolescent population.
- Increase the cost. 
- Remove the publicity of smoking. 


I have found this article interesting because it's true that nowadays, a big number of people have the habit of smoking, and it only bring problems for themselfs and in a cercain future it will worsen. Neverthless, we need to try to reduce it to improve our health. 


Survey: a formal or official examination of the particulars of something, madein order to ascertain condition, character, etc.


NEWS 9: The first generation of 'space' mice is born.

- Japanese scientists have raised in vitro specimens from sperm preserved for almost 300 days in space
- Research shows that reproduction of mammals from sexual cells conserved in the space is viable

Between August 2013 and May 2014, a team of Japanese researchers sent samples of mouse spermatozoa to the ISS for keaping it during 288 days. Once they were returned to the Earth, they were compared with others of the same type preserved in our planet over the same period with similar conditions.
Does it preserve the similar characteristic as the sperm preserved in the Earth? The results show that the reproduction of healthy mammals from spermatozoa preserved in space is perfectly viable.

What did it change? A slightly higher deterioration in the DNA of samples preserved in space.

An important observation?They have presented a balanced number of male and female specimens.



This type of researchers are such an interesting work because they find new characteristics and found new observatins that in the future will be important for us to get different information which will be essential for us.

lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017

New 10:The goat cyclops that has become a miracle for a village in India

The goat cyclops that has become a miracle for a village in India

The past 10 of May, the villagers of Assam, a town in northeast India, witnessed what was described as "a miracle". One of the goats in the area gave birth to a small goat very special: it only had one eye, such as the cyclopes, a creature from Greek mythology. This Kid already has nine days with life.The Kid also lacks the eyelashes, eyelids, one ear and several teeth. His jaw is too short and his nose is undeveloped. The scientific journal 'National Geographic', which has been given to know this strange case, explains that is due to a problem in the brain of the animal. The goat has separated the two hemispheres of the brain that causes it to have just one eye cavity.
The disease that suffers the goat cyclops can also suffer from the people. In addition, it affects other species such as horses, pigs, cows, cats and some types of sharks. However, it is a disorder that occurs on a regular basis. The cyclopia occurs in one out of every 16,000 births of animals.

(science and technology)

CYCLOPIA:The CYCLOPIA is a congenital malformation characterized by the presence of a single orbit facial or "pseudo-orbit", a product of the failed division of the orbital cavity in two orbits in the forebrain during the development phase of the embryo.

I think that this story is very different than the ones that I have been able to do before. As both the context and the arguments are based on the evolution of the species and in particular speaks of the technological science. I believe that both mutations such as genetic defects (birth) help the evolution of what we have discovered by now and is able to open the door to a world unknown or even better a better future

lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017

Noticía 9 : Travel back in time, a crazy idea, but impossible?

Travel back in time, a crazy idea, but impossible? 

This is the title of a news story that has impacted me a lot. What person we has not wanted to travel in the future or in the past? A crazy idea, half in the field of fantasy, half in the realm of science fiction. Travel back in time, would give us special abilities: to know the past and the future, to know how to bet on poker and perform feats. 
The first difficulty is the nature of the time, the sea in which navegariamos, so incomprehensible, such as water, escapes us before you can grab it.
 Einstein who joined at the same time as the fourth coordinate (dimension) of the geometry of space-time continuum where we live. Where light plays a fundamental role. In 1915 Einstein formulated the theory of relativity in which the speed of light is invariant in all systems of reference and which constitutes the upper limit imposed by the nature at all speeds (in particular, an object traveling at the speed of light, not having the time). In addition, Einstein found that light is made up by those who conduct themselves as pure: the photons. Surprisingly the light sometimes behaved like a wave and as a particle.The same Albert Einstein said that "the past and the future are not only an illusion, albeit very convincing"

On the other hand, the theory of black holes, initiated by Einstein, propalada By Stephen Hawkins, from his wheelchair, and studied by hundreds of astronomers around the world, shows us how certain black holes, forming worm holes in space, would allow the light to take shortest paths and arrive faster to the future

In a strict sense, often we travel back in time mentally: we are always planning for the future. This activity not only is crucial in our future, but has been crucial in our future as a species of animal. 

<-- Einstein 

Glossary: I understood everything and in the news is the only thing that could be unaware that would be the theory of relativity, even though he already knew that it was

This article does not refer to a specific science 

Comment: The news as well I find interesting because how to speak of something unknown and exciting, a question that all human beings we have thought and we have tried to explain a knowledge of the time (today). Time travel is something that every person has wanted to, you could handle everything you could redo actions of the past to change or the future or just to improve the future, either making money or finding happiness. Although I agree with the words of Einstein saying that everything is an almost perfect perception that is not reality

lunes, 1 de mayo de 2017

Noticia 8: A strip of purple light in the sky seeks scientific explanation

A new type of aurora borealis, located farther south than usual, has intrigued researchers

Recently, it has begun to know the observation of what some consider a new type of aurora. For years, fans of the observation of aurora borealis photograph a type of lights that are not exactly like the usual auroras. It is, as shown in a gallery where they recover images of the phenomenon, a kind of purple slope more or less sloping that appears in latitudes slightly further south than usual.

Eric Donovan, a professor of astronomy at the University of Calgary, collated the images with data from Swarm satellites of the European Space Agency, a constellation dedicated to analyzing the Earth's magnetic field. That allowed the Canadian researcher to know that at 300 kilometers altitude, the temperature was increasing to 3,000 degrees and there was a 25-kilometer-wide gas strip floating westward.

Miguel Herraiz says; "The auroras occur in the interaction between the solar wind and the upper atmosphere. The differences in this case may be due to a change in solar activity, but I think the explanation is more in the second part, in The interaction between the solar wind, the earth's magnetic field and the atmosphere, "he continues.

My opinion: This type of aurora borealis is such an interesting theme to study because it seems to me a good vision of the sky that we don't see everyday, so I had chosen this theme for this reason.