miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017

News 7: Diets without gluten.

Gluten has gone from being a simple protein mesh that for years was associated only with the celiac condition, to be the front page and protagonist of many diets and current diet plans.

Most modern diet therapy has included gluten-free diets as an option to shuffle in specific cases such as irritable bowel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis or other immunological problems.

Gluten is one more protein, it is not essential and, therefore, you can follow a diet without gluten without problem. The biggest example is the healthy celiac diet. Gluten protein is of a rather moderate biological value, does not possess all the essential amino acids, and therefore does not have much nutritional interest if we compare it against egg, legume, meat or fish, reference protein sources.

It would be best to prioritize fresh produce (fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish ... instead of processed products labeled "gluten free"

Resultado de imagen de gluten


Commentary: In my opinion this type of notices are more common nowadays because the producers need to sold all the products that they do make. People are interested in this type of food and this is a circular chain that never finishes

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