miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017

NOTICIA DE LA SETMANA 7: "A quadriplegic moves the arm with his thinking through an implant"

It's two sensors implanted in the brain that send signals to a computer, where it is forwarded the information to a system of electrical stimulation to move their limbs.

A man who was paralysed for eight years has managed, for the first time in history, move your arm with their thoughts, thanks to a neuroprosthesis installed in his head that sends the signals so that their arms are activated.

To achieve this, the team has implemented two sensors, each the size of an aspirin, laden with 96 electrodes designed to collect neural activity.

Sensors recorded brain signals generated when Kochevar has imagined moving his arm, and have transferred them to a computer.

Commentary: I think it will be great for a lot of people with this problem, i'm very happy because i know several people with this problem.

NOTICIA DE LA SETMANA 6: "The place of Mars where Europe will search for signs of life"

Recently the agency chose the two places on the red planet where possibly rest the rover of ExoMars 2020 exploration. This robot will punch up to two meters from the ground and study the habitability of the planet (the odds for life), doing a sophisticated analysis of organic molecules.

ESA has chosen for landing two places which in the past were very abundant in water: two ellipses of 120 by 19 km in the area of Oxia Planum and Mawrth Vallis. Both are interesting from the scientific point of view and in addition are smooth and lack elements that can hinder the landing, deployment and exit of the rover.

Both regions will be studied now with more detail and final landing place will be chosen in 2019. The launch of the rover scheduled for July of 2020.


Commentary: In my opinion, this is very interesting and a good advance to the humanity. It would be great if we found life on Mars

NOTICIA DE LA SETMANA 5: "The woman who develops cancer vaccine"

For years, this researcher has studied the response of patients to bone marrow transplant to treat his leukemia. "If you wonder why some were cured," explains, "you understand that it is a complex reaction involving all branches of the immune system, so probably a homogenous treatment, a kind of one-size-fits-all for all patients, will not work", said Wu in his office in the center of Cancer-Dana-Farber, Boston (USA).

Wu is applying that idea to the development of a vaccine against cancer or, better said, many vaccines against many cancers, as patients. The new generation of immunotherapy drugs are based on wake the immune system so that you learn how to identify and eliminate the tumor cells. Wu looks the way that this response is much more specific and also operates in all people, not just a fraction of them, as it is currently the case.

Commentary: In my opinión this is a big advantage to people who have cancer.
This is a very good new for the humanity.

News 7: Diets without gluten.

Gluten has gone from being a simple protein mesh that for years was associated only with the celiac condition, to be the front page and protagonist of many diets and current diet plans.

Most modern diet therapy has included gluten-free diets as an option to shuffle in specific cases such as irritable bowel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis or other immunological problems.

Gluten is one more protein, it is not essential and, therefore, you can follow a diet without gluten without problem. The biggest example is the healthy celiac diet. Gluten protein is of a rather moderate biological value, does not possess all the essential amino acids, and therefore does not have much nutritional interest if we compare it against egg, legume, meat or fish, reference protein sources.

It would be best to prioritize fresh produce (fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish ... instead of processed products labeled "gluten free"

Resultado de imagen de gluten


Commentary: In my opinion this type of notices are more common nowadays because the producers need to sold all the products that they do make. People are interested in this type of food and this is a circular chain that never finishes

domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017

Scientist Corner

Who is this?

(Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, 1642 - London, 1727) English scientist.
Founder of classical physics, which would maintain full force until the time of Einstein, Newton's work represents the culmination of the scientific revolution initiated a century earlier by Copernicus.

In his mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1687) he established the three fundamental laws of motion and deduced from them the fourth law or law of universal gravitation, which explained with complete accuracy the orbits of the planets, thus achieving the unification of terrestrial mechanics And heavenly.

A posthumous and premature son, his mother prepared for him a farmer's destiny; But finally he was convinced of the talent of the boy and sent to the University of Cambridge, where he had to work to pay for his studies.


The reader: 

Neanderthals took "aspirins"

The researchers uncovered in the journal Nature hitherto unpublished aspects of the life of Neanderthals, the intelligent human "other species", which disappeared from Europe shortly after the arrival of the first modern humans, our direct ancestors.
The work showed that the Neanderthals were able to adapt to their environment much better than was believed and they dominated a number of medicinal plants, which they used without problem to cure diseases and ailments.
Among them, the fungus Penicillium and the bark of the poplar, which contains the active principle of modern aspirins. These novelties were discovered because it was possible to analyze, for the first time, the DNA contained in the dental calculus deposits of these Neanderthals.

12/03/2017 03:41h


Being behind de camera. 

Guernica is a famous painting by Pablo Picasso, painted between May and June 1937, whose title alludes to the bombing of Guernica, which occurred on April 26 of that year, during the Spanish Civil

War. Wikipedia
Artist: Pablo Picasso
Size: 3.49 m x 7.77 m
Location: National Museum of Art Reina Sofía
Date of creation: April 26, 1937-June 1937
Genre: Narrative genre

Theme: Spanish Civil War, War, Suffering

Resultado de imagen de Guernica

What is going on this week? 

6 to 9 March 2017
11th European Congress of Andrology - ICA 2017
Organized by the European Academy of Andrology (EAA)
Copenhagen, Denmark

Congress of the Mexican College of National Urology A.C. (CMU)
March 7-11, 2017
XLI International Congress of the Mexican College of National Urology
Convention Center Yucatan Siglo XXI, Mérida, Mexico.

March 9-11, 2017
2nd International Congress of the Latin American Association of Pelvic Floor (ALAPP)
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Congress of the European Association of Urology (UAE)
March 24-28, 2017
EAU 2017 - 32nd Annual EAU Congress
London England.

miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2017

Space X states that send two space tourists on a trip around the Moon in 2018- NOTICIA6

Space X states that send two space tourists on a trip around the Moon in 2018

This is the title of a report of the company private space SpaceX with the purpose, as well the title says, to make a tourist trip by the Moon.In this trip you will use a ship that is already being developed for NASA, the Dragon 2, and a heavy rocket that has not yet been tested nor approved by Elon Musk president of the company. Musk has explained in a press conference that the goal is to launch at the end of 2018. With regard to passengers, their identity is not known, but it seems that they are going to pay the cost of a ticket to the ISS. That is, between forty and eighty million dollars. It is not known whether traveling alone, but that is what emerges from the news. Both, no matter who they may be, will become the first humans back to the Moon since 1972.


-Company private space Space X: Es una empresa norteamericana de transporte aeroespacial fundada en 2002 por Elon Musk
-Dragon 2: es una nave espacial reutilizable, desarrollada por la empresa privada estadounidense SpaceX, capaz de llevar carga a la órbita baja terrestre 

About this story i have to say that I am in favor and against the project of the Space X. I am in favor of that travel so incredible and that many we will have the opportunity to see something as nice as traveling around the moon, I think that it is an opportunity to see beyond and get so much more to everything that surrounds us.But I understand even though I do not agree with the idea of having to pay so much for go, since they do not all have that opportunity by the economic issue and may only go wealthy families, as well as famous, kings and queens and millionaires for sell anything.I would also like to see what is out there.
But my question is, will have to prepare to move to that vessel, such as astronauts?