martes, 21 de febrero de 2017

Scott Kelly, the astronaut rejuvenated in the space

Scott Kelly, the astronaut rejuvenated in the space

This is the experiment carried out in NASA that is to distinguish between two twins, Mark and Scott Kelly, two astronauts determined to use this mission.This mission has been carried out to find differences between these two twins, one of them that are on earth and at the same time as another in the space. The difference that has attracted the attention of researchers is a study on the telomeres. Are the ends of chromosomes.It has been observed that their telomeres were lengthened space during the stay. Now researchers are trying to find out the cause because, warn, could simply be due to physical exercise and diet that Scott followed during the 340 days on which it was orbiting the Earth.

14 FEB

Telomeres: Are regions of non-coding DNA, highly repetitive, whose main function is the structural stability of the chromosomes in eukaryotic cells, cell division and the life time of the cell strains.
NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Ámbito científico: Space
Conclusión: I find it very interesting this mission that NASA has done that, thanks to things like this, perhaps we can go a step further by providing you of old age and perhaps we can delay, which I think is one of the things that everyone is afraid, aging

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